how to survive the business pivoting blues

When I started freelancing in 2011, I was scared out of my mind. BUT, I knew what was most important to me…getting to witness all of my babies’ milestones at home. THAT was far too sacred for me to miss out on.

I took that leap, and left the corporate publishing world. I wasn’t sure what was next for me. But, I did notice during that time, things were changing. A huge wave in the tech and digital age was coming full force, and I was excited. THIS was about to really change the way we work forever.

Remote job opportunities were starting to pour in from every corner. Entrepreneurship was going through a renaissance, and business owners were building teams of freelancers. Goodbye brick and mortar.

It was then I began freelance writing. Very quickly, one client became two, three, four, and the list goes on. In less than a year, I had clients from all over the world doing freelance writing, marketing, PR, content strategy and more! THAT RIGHT THERE was a major PIVOT. I went from working in corporate America to Freelancing. It was a completely unknown territory for me, but I took a leap of faith, and it all worked out better than expected!

Fast forward to 2022, and I am now on the boat to yet another pivot in my business. But, this one is even bigger than the last one. I am now switching from only working with clients, to giving back to the entrepreneur community. It has been many wonderful years of growing, learning, working with clients, but I now want to guide those who are aspiring to become entrepreneurs. My business is becoming a hub of resources, tools, and guides to gather all you need to take off as a successful entrepreneur.

Here’s the thing about pivoting your business - it’s all about going with your heart and its true calling. That’s where passion lives. And following that will allow you to always do what you are meant to do, what you love. And that’s what work should be - doing what you love every single day.

Pivoting Is A Necessary Milestone

Pivoting in business is not a choice, it’s a MUST DO. Just like yourself, a business is meant to grow and evolve, not stay stagnant within the same structures, systems, and routines. Pivoting is what creates a successful business. Imagine if we stalled ourselves at a particular point in our lives, just because we were comfortable with it. We would never blossom into our full potential. The same goes with businesses (small or large). Pivoting businesses is necessary for two very important things - staying true to yourself, and allowing your business to “grow up”. It’s a mutual evolution of business owner, AND business. But, like most incredible things in life, there can be some storms before the sunshine. It’s not an easy road towards the final destination. Pivoting your business can make you feel like you’re failing, cause you great anxiety, make you feel lost and confused, and can decrease your self confidence. SPOILER ALERT: 95% of the time all those thoughts and emotions are not accurate. They are just figments of your ego, not your true self.

Community For Survival


Friends or family always make everything better. The same goes when pivoting your business. Finding a community of like-minded people, or other business owners can be a great support system as you transition your business. You can find them on Facebook groups, entrepreneurial organizations, and other social media platforms. Find them by searching hashtags or keywords within your industry or niche.

Continuous Mentorship


While you might consider yourself an expert in your industry or niche, there’s always someone out there that knows more than you. Humble yourself, and seek out a high-quality mentor. Choose someone with a proven track record of successful re-branding, business strategy, profit, and of course, expertise within your industry. Find a mentor in your niche here.

Learn Every Second You Can


Entrepreneur Rule #1 - NEVER STOP LEARNING. The world around us is ever evolving, and so are industries. Therefore, if you want to be truly successful, you must always and continuously be researching and reading about the latest and greatest. What are the newest tools and resources out there to simplify your line of work? What new trends are forming within your market or target audience? What new business strategies can you adopt into your business model for better profit? And the list goes on….

There is always going to be others that have the same specialty as you. There will always be others that have a similar business to yours….but NEVER the exact same. So, by continuing to learn and stay on the very top of your industry, you can add the signature attributes that make YOUR business unique and appealing. By continuously learning you make your business stand out, and stay on top.

Unplug, Disconnect, Restart


Pivoting your business can consume a lot of mental and emotional energy. And it’s very easy to go into “full throttle” mode, and never stop. But, it’s important to disconnect when you feel you are reaching a breaking point. Give yourself time to recollect, rest, and you’ll come back even stronger than before. You’ll only jeopardize the quality of your business pivot if you just go go go, with no breaks in between. You must give yourself grace. You and your business deserve it.

Evolving personally or professionally never comes with ease. It’s a game of jumping hurdles, until you get to the finish line. But, the view at the finish line is amazing, and oh so worth it! So, take this guide and enjoy watching your business pivot!


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