FACT: Entrepreneurs Who Are Spiritually Aligned Are More Successful
I'm not going to beat around the bush. Meditation is one of the best things you can do for your business, and I'll tell you why. There are many benefits to meditation that go beyond just feeling calm and relaxed. Meditation helps you become more spiritually aligned with yourself—and by extension, better align your business with its purpose and mission.
What being spiritually aligned means
Chakras. If you’re unfamiliar with these spiritual centers, chakras are the energy points on your body that correspond to different aspects of self-identity and well-being. When they are balanced, you feel in harmony with the universe; when they are out of balance, things can get messy.
What happens when you have a chakra imbalance? You might feel anxiety or anger; perhaps you find yourself unable to focus; maybe even depression has set in. The good news is that there are strategies to help restore your chakra alignment—and one of them is entrepreneurship!
In fact, there’s evidence showing that spiritually aligned entrepreneurs make more money than those who aren’t aligned at all (or worse yet: who don’t believe in spirituality).
Why entrepreneurs should be spiritually aligned
If you're an entrepreneur, or if you want to be one, it's important to be spiritually aligned. Being spiritually aligned means bringing the best of yourself into the world and being more effective at work, home and in your community. You'll be able to be more effective with your family, friends and even with yourself.
Here's why:
Improves mental health. Meditation can help you to better understand yourself—your thoughts, feelings, and emotions. It can also reduce stress levels and improve concentration.
Improves physical health. Research suggests that meditation can lower blood pressure, increase metabolism and even help with weight loss!
Improves creativity by helping you think more clearly. When you're stressed out or feeling overwhelmed by a problem in your business life or personal life, it's easy to get stuck in a cycle of negative thinking or worry about what might happen if the worst happens (e.g., losing money). Meditation helps us break this cycle by allowing us space from our thoughts so we don't feel like we have to react immediately; instead we can try something new without fear of failure or rejection because there is no time pressure for an immediate response!
Entrepreneurs who are spiritually aligned have a higher chance of business success.
The basic premise of this research is that entrepreneurs who are more spiritually aligned are more successful, but have you ever thought about what that actually means?
It turns out, the term "spiritually aligned" has quite a few interpretations—and it's not just about adhering to any one religious doctrine. In fact, being spiritually aligned simply means aligning your business practices with your personal beliefs. For example: if you don’t believe in lying or stealing money from people who trust you, then it would make sense for your business not to operate in those ways either.
Your Business, Your Chakra
Chakra alignment is a key to success.
Chakras are energy centers in the body. They correspond with areas of the spine that relate to different parts of your being, including emotions, thoughts and actions. When chakras are out of alignment, it can cause imbalance not only physically but also mentally and emotionally. It’s important to keep them in check so you can live your best life possible!
Chakra alignment through meditation is one way you can achieve this balance. Meditation helps clear negative energies from your mind and body by allowing you to focus on positive thoughts instead of negative ones. Yoga is another great way to align your chakras because it involves holding poses (asana) while focusing on breathing techniques (pranayama). These practices can also help open up blocked areas in our lives so they become more aligned with what we want them do be like instead.
Breakdown of the chakras
1st Chakra
The first chakra, or root chakra, is the foundation of our energy. It’s all about survival and security and it’s located at the base of your spine. This center is responsible for providing physical strength and stability to support the rest of your body.
Just as a house needs a good foundation to remain upright, so does an entrepreneur. The 1st chakra provides us with a sense of stability so that we can move forward in life with confidence, purpose and passion! If this area isn't balanced then you can feel insecure in yourself or even have trouble getting out of bed in the morning because you're feeling overwhelmed by life's challenges (or perhaps just too tired).
Balancing your 1st Chakra will help you feel more grounded so that when things get difficult in business or life itself - YOU WILL BE PREPARED TO TAKE ACTION!
2nd Chakra
The second chakra, or the “power center”, is all about personal power and self-esteem. This energy center governs your sense of personal values and identity. When this chakra is open and balanced, you feel confident and empowered in yourself; but when it's blocked or out of alignment with other chakras (which is common), you might tend to be overly critical of yourself or others.
The best way to keep your second chakra in balance? Practice healthy relationships with people who support you and make you feel good about who you are. Surround yourself with friends who are honest, trustworthy people—and don't tolerate any negative vibes from anyone!
3rd Chakra
Chakra three is the energy center of communication and creativity. It's important to be able to communicate clearly and effectively, so that you can share your ideas with others. Many entrepreneurs are introverts, but they still need to be able to talk about what they do with potential customers or investors.
One way to strengthen this chakra is through meditation on it. Sit in a comfortable position with your back straight and breathe deeply into the belly until you feel relaxed. Then visualize a bright-green light at the base of your spine as if coming up through the top of your head. Let this green light fill you completely from head to toe as it grows brighter until it fills all space around you like a giant sphere of brilliant green light surrounding everything else around it in an expanding circle until nothing exists except for this glowing sphere filled with pure vibrant energy pulsing along through every cell of one's body simultaneously at once!
4th Chakra
The fourth chakra, located in the center of your chest, is associated with love and compassion. It's green and aligned with the element air. When this chakra is open you’ll be able to feel deeply for others—and yourself—which will allow you to connect more deeply with others as well as yourself. If you want to become a successful entrepreneur, it's imperative that your heart chakra be balanced because it will help you create healthy relationships with others around you who can support your business goals and vice versa!
5th Chakra
The fifth chakra, also called the throat chakra, is associated with communication and self-expression. It's associated with the color blue and the element ether, which governs everything on Earth. The planet Mercury rules over this center of energy.
The throat chakra is connected to your ability to speak your truth without fear of judgment or retaliation from others. People who have opened their fifth chakras are able to express themselves in a way that feels natural—without having to worry about their tone or mannerisms being deemed "wrong." This allows them to speak more freely than those who haven't yet opened up this center of energy within themselves.
In addition, people who have open throats are often excellent teachers because they know how important it is for others' voices (and opinions) not be silenced out of fear or confusion about how someone else might feel about what is being said by another person (or group).
6th Chakra
The sixth chakra, also called the third eye, is associated with the color violet and the element of spirit. The pineal gland and pituitary gland are both located in this area of your brain. This chakra is responsible for your dreams and intuition—and it helps you understand spiritual information as well as what's happening around you.
If an entrepreneur is spiritually aligned, they're more likely to set goals that align with their purpose in life—which can lead them toward success because they'll be more passionate about their work than someone who isn't aligned spiritually would be.
7th Chakra
The 7th chakra is called the crown chakra, and it's associated with the pineal gland. The pineal gland is responsible for producing melatonin and serotonin—hormones that regulate your sleep and mood.
A spiritually aligned entrepreneur must understand how these hormones operate in order to maximize their success.
Entrepreneurs are often described as resilient and determined. They’re the kind of people who can get things done when others don’t think it’s possible. But if you want to be a successful entrepreneur, it isn’t enough just to have these qualities—you need something more. You need a higher purpose than just making money or even building a legacy; you need spiritual alignment.